Religious Poems
The religous poems and reflections on the role of religion in the world and daily life found in To The Hard Roof of The Universe by Caribbean poet Nafis Khan delves deeply into basic existential questions of being. They stir debate and intellectual discourse as they walk softly into the troubled world of faith and belief.
From Genesis Revisited
In eons past, when time was not
When roiling waters boiling hot
Seared with shores its steaming breath
And fouled the air with stench of death............
From The Cleansing
From his vantage point
High on the hill
He watched the storm roll in.....................
From Do You Care
Do you care what I call you, Lord?
Does it really matter to you
Does my mode of address
Determine success
And ensure all my prayers come true......................
From The Man
I often wonder "Isn't it strange,
On Sundays Christians go
And offer prayers to Jesus christ,
A man they do not know".
A man whose every outflung limb
In agony bore a spike
And yet, they only smile and shrug,
When asked, "What was he like?".........
From The Seeker
My Lord, My God
My Father, My Friend
My light in the darkness
My song without end..................
These poems of philosophy and religion can be enjoyed in their entirety along with other poems for persons interested in expanding consciousness whilst paying tribute to ideals both new and old. A belief in God or a Supreme Being is questioned within Khan's poetry, the result of a diverse Caribbean upbringing wherein religion, order and value was accepted and respected but not to the exclusion of keeping an open, questioning mind about God and religious dogma.
Persons on faith will appreciate the complex layers of philosophical thought expressed in these religious poems which make an ideal starting point for sermons or book club discussions.